I started stumbling upon a lot of vegan videos on youtube, mainly because I was looking for information on healthy foods, smoothie recipes and things like that.
Then one day, while watching a vegan video, I was exposed to some very graphic video footage of the horrible abuse animals go through, to end up on our plate. There wasn't even a warning...they just snuck the footage in there (probably because they knew that if they warned people, many would not watch it) What I saw horrified me and broke my heart. At that point, I was confronted with the reality that I was contributing to that cruelty, by eating meat and dairy.
I asked myself...can I continue to eat animals, if I could never kill one myself? How can I continue to eat meat if I can't even bear to look at the violent process that takes place?
I also thought about something that I already knew, on some level, but hadn’t really confronted in a serious way. In Genesis 1, it is clear that God's original diet for mankind did not include meat. It was never God's heart for us to eat or abuse animals. God loves animals too. After all, they are His creation.
So almost overnight, I drastically changed my diet... but at the beginning, I still occasionally ate seafood, so I actually went pescatarian at first. A few months later, I stopped eating seafood too.
How did Live Mercifully come about? God has been putting it on my heart, to share all the things I've learned, and to be a voice for those who have no voice, which includes (but is not limited to) the animals. I'm doing this from a Christian perspective, which I've noticed seems to be rare, in the vegan community.
I want Live Mercifully to encourage people to think about how the choices we make affect not only our own health, but the lives of innocent beings, and our world in general.
Jesus said “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.”
Join us today in living mercifully. You will be blessed yourself, and a blessing to others.