Author: Lily

Should Our Eternal Perspective Include Animals?

Throughout the Bible, we are told to have an eternal perspective. We are reminded that this life is temporary; a “vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” (James 4:14) We are repeatedly told to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things. (Col 3:2, John 6:27, Matt 6:19-21, 1 […]

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Live Mercifully Needs Your Help!

Hey friends! As we get closer to the new year, I’ve been thinking and praying about where God is leading me in 2020. My passion and heart’s desire is to share this message of mercy toward animals and encourage Christians to honor God’s original intent, a non-violent plantbased diet. I believe that GOD has put […]

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A Terrible Betrayal

A Terrible Betrayal

I’m sure you’ve seen those sad news stories about people who abandon their pet dog in the middle of nowhere, and it gets caught on tape? I read one of those stories today, and as I thought about that poor dog who was betrayed, I started thinking about farm animals, and a significant similarity they […]

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Let all that you do be done in love

“Let all that you do be done in love” – A Look at 1 Cor 16:14 (+ video)

One of the core aspects of God’s character is love. The love of God, agape love, is giving and sacrificial. This beautiful, selfless love was demonstrated most clearly at the cross. As believers, we know that while we were still sinners, Jesus died for us. As followers of Christ, we know that we were commanded […]

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I was at the Official Animal Rights March in San Diego yesterday, and it was amazing!!! It was an honor and blessing to be there, marching in unity with so many passionate vegan / AR activists and being a part of this important movement. Not only did this experience restore my faith in humanity, but […]

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A Closer Look At Dominion

As a Christian vegan, one of the most common objections to veganism that I encounter when talking to other Christians is, “But man was given dominion over the animals.” So I want to talk about this very important concept that I believe has been deeply misunderstood. This misunderstanding is at the root of an incomprehensible […]

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Tofu Scramble Tacos Recipe (Easy, delicious and vegan!)

One of my favorite breakfasts these days is tofu scramble, and the other day I made easy, delicious tofu scramble tacos, so I figured I’d make a little video! If you’re a new vegan, you will be glad to know that through practice, you can get tofu scramble to taste pretty much just like scrambled […]

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Three Questions To Ask Yourself, If You Consume Animal Products

Eating is a big part of the human experience, but interestingly, many people don’t think much about what they’re eating, or what took place before it got to their plate. I believe that if more people were aware of what exactly they’re supporting with their dollars, they would be horrified. Knowledge and awareness are important, […]

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Seek Peace… Thoughts on Psalm 34:14

Today I was reading Psalm 34, and verse 14 stood out to me. Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it. I’ve always loved Psalm 34:14. It’s simple, but I think it’s a great summary of how God wants us to live. Then I got to thinking about how that scripture is […]

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We Are The Monsters (new video)

Just some thoughts I had after watching a movie, called Jack The Giant Slayer. Please feel free to leave your thoughts below! [juiz_sps buttons=”facebook, twitter, pinterest, tumblr, mail, bookmark, print”] Did you like this post? Help me keep creating free content, support me on Patreon. Thank you!

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